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Managing tax across multiple entities requires a seamless solution

Keeyns transforms complexity into clarity, optimizes your capacity and guarantees compliance. 

What our clients have achieved with our solutions

40% increase in efficiency on compliance tasks.
60% reduction of email correspondence.
22% of advisory spend on simple admin work eliminated.

Imagine a world without


of Finance professionals face pressure to speed up their work. And Finance departments rank 3rd slowest, only behind Legal and IT functions.

Source: Gartner


of professionals point to complex structures as a cause of inefficiency; a similar proportion cites unclear roles and responsibilities.

Source: McKinsey


of the workweek is spent reading, responding to, and managing emails, making it a major source of inefficiency for finance professionals.

Source: McKinsey

Bringing stakeholders together in one tax solution


Tax director

Gain actionable insights to strategize effectively.

Continuity-iconContinuity for every tax process.

Actionable-insights-icon Realtime overview of compliance status.

Efficient-collaboration-icon   Efficient collaboration and tax management. 



Ensure tax transparency and align with business goals. 

Human-errors-iconLimit risk due to human errors.

Realtime-iconRealtime dashboards for risk and compliance.

Easy-coordination-icon Easy coordination with internal tax teams and external advisors. 


Tax specialist

Automate repetitive tasks and focus on adding value.

Compliance-overview-iconClear overview of compliance. 

Version-history-iconCentralized data with version history. 

Collaboration-stakeholders-iconEasy collaboration with all stakeholders.


External advisor

Collaborate seamlessly with in-house teams.

No-time-wasted-iconNo time wasted on scattered data.

Centralized-data-iconCentralized data and collaboration per client. 

A tax solution for any multi-entity organization

Our tax collaboration platform can serve as the single source of truth for any multi-entity organization


International SME's

Use our expert-validated workflows as the starting point for your business and collaborate in the platform with your external tax advisors to streamline your tax processes. 


Large enterprises

Tailor processes to local entities whilst streamlining workflows and stay in control with comprehensive coverage of all relevant tax matters. 


Global corporates

Unify tax efforts from global teams for efficiency and clarity, ensuring compliance and gaining control on all registrations. 

Run all your processes

Deadline_icon Never miss a deadline Never miss a beat on deadlines with tax deadlines mapped out globally. With our workflows you will never miss a deadline again.  
Assign-users_icon Assign users to processes By assigning users to specific steps in workflows you make sure everyone know what the status of a process is so you stay compliant.  
Notification_icon Smart status notifications Using smart settings the process will send progression updates and also detects of there will be a potential hazard.  

Solutions for tax operations by Keeyns


Simplify risk & controversy management

Keeyns allows you to clearly map out all tax-related activities, identify risks, and establish standardized procedures across departments.

Monitor compliance

Monitor tax compliance with a clear overview

The platform has built-in audit trails as well as reporting and dashboarding tools provide insights. 

Deadlines and assignees

Safeguard your tax processes with deadline and assignees

The platform enables continuous monitoring and reporting of tax activities, ensuring that each process is compliant with established procedures.

Collaborate seamlessly

Collaborate seamlessly with internal teams and external advisors

Keeyns provides an agnostic and flexible solution that can be utilized by anyone involved in tax processes, including any external advisors.

Our platform is trusted by tax leaders at


Features of our Tax Collaboration Platform

Secure-storage-solution Secure data storage Store your tax data securely and collaborate confidently with external tax advisors, knowing your information is protected and accessible only to authorized users.  
Expert-validated-solution Expert-validated workflows Tailor processes to local entities whilst streamlining workflows and stay in control with comprehensive coverage of all relevant tax matters.   
Roles-and-rights-management-solution Easy roles & rights management  Intuitively manage permissions of users to ensure segregation of duties and continuity.  
Dashboards-solutions Comprehensive compliance dashboards  Dashboards visualize your organization's compliance through consolidated metrics and status indicators.  
Collaboration-solution Seamless stakeholder collaboration Seamlessly collaborate using the in-platform communications. The platform provides a centralized way to handle tax related interactions and tasks.  
Workflows-solution Automate your internal workflows Using our visual workflow builder you can easily translate you processes in Keeyns using our user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.  

Keeyns, the cross border tax management solution.


Made for Tax Experts
by Tax Experts

Keeyns was founded in The Netherlands in 2017 by former experienced international tax partners and inhouse tax directors who felt the pain – first hand – of uncontrolled tax processes and decentralized tax data storage.


Ready to start your tax transformation?