Release Notes Sprint 141

Release Notes 11 april 2024

🤖 New features

Hi guys,

We’re always improving Keeyns for you, our dear clients, and this sprint is no different. We hope you’re pleased with the progress and would love to hear from you if you have feedback, you can find us at!

Open and closed dossiers 📂

After receiving some feedback about the open/archived dossier toggle and users “losing” dossiers, we’ve made it possible for you to see all dossiers in one overview. In addition to this, we’ve also renamed archived to “closed”, since we think this is a more accurate word for the state of such a dossier. After all, we’re not really archiving and putting dossiers away, we’re merely indicating that the work is done and that the dossier is closed. 

Configuring workflows 🛠️

We’ve made two changes for administrators that have to deal with workflows. The first improvement is that it‘s now possible for admins to create workflows for any country; even ones where they don’t have an entity/registration. Secondly, you can now configure different workflows for different periods. For example: Workflow A runs in Q1, Q2 and Q4 and Workflow B runs in Q3. This is useful when specific filing periods require additional tasks or have deviating deadlines.

Financials for CIT 💶

Last but not least! We’ve been working hard on enabling you to record financial data about your CIT return in our dossiers. Check out the video below for a short demo and let us know what you think.

🪲 Bugs and fixes

  • We solved the issue that when you tried to add a new user, the app crashed.
  • Profile pictures that were broken are now working again.
  • Tagging multiple users in a comment no longer leads to problems.
  • We’ve applied several patches and upgrades to our services, keeping our stack up-to-date and secure. 
Thanks for being with us and see you next time,
The Keeyns team 👋🏽

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